Learning about parrot training is fun! However sometimes the terminology used to describe training can get a bit confusing. I have prepared a list of terms typically used in animal training to help parrot training enthusiasts become familiar with some of the commonly used language.
The list could go on and on, however I decided to focus on the words most may encounter on their journey into parrot training. I also included parrot training examples of many of the definitions to help clarify their application.
You will see the terms come primarily from the science of behavior analysis with resources and references credited at the end. This science has been around for about 100 years. Although new things are always being studied and tested by science much of what we use to influence behavior of our parrots has been well defined for years. Some may choose to rename these principles with fancy catch phrases, but to me the beauty of it is that it all goes back to the science, regardless how you try to dress it up : ) No animal trainer or behavior consultant holds "secret" information. The teachings of behavior analysis are there for all of us to discover, share and explore. I hope you will find this page a resource you can come back to again and again.
Barbara Heidenreich www.GoodBirdInc.com
Copyright 2008 Good Bird Inc
Great list, with one exception: the definition for 'positive punishment' gives the example of spraying an amazon in the face for screaming. Included in the list as it is, this example seems to suggest that spraying your bird in the face with water is a recommended strategy. I'm sure it's not, but others might not read it that way!
Great point! I will ask my web designer to add the words "not recommended" next to the example. Thaks for the feedback!
What I especially appreciate about your terminology primer is the examples and photographs. I will be sending our parrot clients to your primer often. Thank you for a great resource.
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